Warm-toned rocks stacked and balanced atop one another

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based, holistic therapy approach that can help us transform how we relate to ourselves. IFS views people as beings comprised of many different “parts” (essentially subpersonalities) that have complex, interconnected relationships with one another, much like a family. Many of our parts carry burdens (extreme beliefs and feelings) as a result of trauma and emotional wounds we’ve experienced, and some are forced into protective roles to keep us safe. In addition to our parts, we also have a core Self who knows how to heal us naturally.

While all parts have good intentions, the roles they get stuck in can cause pain and turmoil in our lives. In therapy, we can explore your parts together to find out who they are, how they got to be in their roles, and the reasons why they do what they do. I will support you in cultivating a curious, compassionate relationship with your parts, which is what allows them to heal and be released from restrictive roles.

In IFS, all of our parts hold wisdom and insight, and each part is vital to our sense of wholeness and well-being (yes, even the parts you hate!) As we heal wounded parts and become more in touch with our Self energy, we learn to connect with ourselves and others from a place of curiosity, understanding, and compassion. It’s from this place that we’re able to nurture and care for ourselves, expand into the fullness of who we are, and pursue our deepest dreams, desires, and callings in life.

One of the most potent and valuable aspects of IFS is that it teaches to work with your own parts. This means that over time, you can learn to access and do deep, transformative work with your parts outside of therapy. Many of my clients have found working with their own parts in between our sessions to be a powerful piece of their healing journey. For some folks, it can even shorten the duration of therapy.